
cotton print 印花棉布。

cotton seed

With all kinds of modernized production lines , produce annually 8 million meters of worsted woolen cloth , 1 million sets of clothing , 300 ton of rabbit wool yarn , 0 . 12 billion meters of cotton print and dye cloth , 20 million pieces of knitted underwear , 20 million meters of jean . the company is listed as one of the top 520 national key enterprises and one of the hundred key enterprises of shandong province . the company s economic efficiency is at the leading level in the same profession 擁有各類現代化生產線,年產毛精紡呢絨800萬米,服裝100萬套,兔毛紗300噸,棉印染布1 . 2億米,針織服裝2000萬件、牛仔布2000萬米。公司被列為中國520家重點企業,山東省百家重點企業集團,公司經濟效益多年來保持國內同行業領先水平。

Produce annually 10 million meters of worsted woolen cloth , 1 million sets of clothing , 3 . 2 million cotton yarn , 500 ton of rabbit wool yarn , 0 . 12 billion meters of cotton print and dye cloth , 20 million pieces of knitted underwear , 20 million meters of jean , high capability fiber 3 , 500 tons 年產精紡呢絨1000萬米,服裝100萬套,棉紗3 . 2萬噸、寬幅布1000萬米,兔毛紗500噸,棉印染布1 . 2億米,針織內衣3000萬件,牛仔布2000萬米,高性能氨綸纖維3500噸。

Shandong ruyi is a large textile clothing group . ruyi group specializes in woolen products and garment , also cotton printing and dying , rabbit woollen yarn , knitting , chemical fibre , jean , real estate , etc 山東如意集團是中國山東大型紡織、服裝集團,以精梳毛紡織、服裝為主業,涵蓋針織、棉印染、兔毛紡紗、化纖業和牛仔布、房地產等產業。

Shaking with laughter , she proceeded to ‘ hook - and - eye ’ him into the cotton print gown , arranged the shawl with a professional fold , and tied the strings of the rusty bonnet under his chin 她一面笑得前仰后合,一面動手給他穿上印花棉布裙衫,緊緊地扣上領扣,披上大圍巾,打了一個符合洗衣婦身份的褶,又把褪色的女帽的帶子系在下巴底下。

Her gown was a light cotton print , and from the back of her head a kind of rope could be seen descending to some distance below her waist , like a chinaman s queue 她穿一件薄薄的印花布女衫,有一條像繩子似的東西從她的腦后垂下來,一直延伸到她的腰下,就像中國人的一條辮子。

What is particularly worth mentioning about the chinese cotton prints is the speciality of fastness to washing which accounts for its favourable reception in all overseas markets 非凡值得一提的是中國棉布水洗不退色的特點,深受海外市場的歡迎。

What is particularly worth mentioning about the chinese cotton prints is the speciality of fastness to washing which accounts for its favourable reception in all overseas markets 特別值得一提的是中國棉布水洗不退色的特點,深受海外市場的歡迎。

The blue and white pure cotton print is made by using soybeans and lime powder and taking plant indigo blue as dye through complete unique bandwork 中國藍印花布是以植物靛藍作染料,利用黃豆和石灰粉拷藍,由獨特手工藝制作的藍白兩色的純棉織品。

Our cotton prints are packed in wooden cases lined with kraft ( paper ) and waterproof paper of 30 pieces each in five colors with equal assort 我們的印花棉布系用木箱包裝,內襯牛皮紙和防潮紙。每箱30匹,一花五色,平均搭配。

Thank you for your telex enquiry of 23 september concerning cotton print 634 貴公司9月23日詢問有關634號印花棉布價格的電傳已收到,多謝來函

We have accepted your order no . 85 for 100 , 000 yards of cotton prints art no . 1002 我已接受你方85號定單訂購貨號1002號印花布十萬碼。

Cotton printing mill 棉布印花工廠

Ware pleased to receive your order of 16th june for cotton prints 很高興收到你方6月16日印花棉布的訂單。

Rules for inspection of cotton printed anddyed nap cloth for export 出口純棉印染拉絨布檢驗規程

Combed polyester cotton printed and dyed fabrics 精梳滌棉混紡印染布